What Exotic Pets Are Legal in Australia?

Australia is home to some of the most unique wildlife in the world, including a wide variety of exotic animals. Some of these species are legal to own as pets, while others are strictly protected and cannot be kept in captivity. If you’re considering adopting an exotic pet, knowing the laws and regulations in your area is very important. In this article, we will provide an overview of all the legal exotic pets you can have in Australia, along with any requirements you may need to meet.

Australia's wish list of exotic pets
Image: phys.org

Requirements for Keeping Exotic Pets in Australia

In Australia, the keeping of exotic pets is regulated by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This Act creates several categories for exotic animals, including prohibited animals, invasive species and protected animals.

Before obtaining any exotic pet, a licence is required. A licence can only be granted if you fulfil specific criteria and obligations regarding the proper treatment of exotic animals. Licenses vary according to animal species and state or territory.

For example, keeping reptiles without a licence is illegal in most of Australia, including venomous snakes, crocodiles, and alligators.

Legal Exotic Pets in Australia

The following list includes some of the legal exotic pets you can keep in Australia with the appropriate licence:

  • Birds: Such as parrots, cockatoos, finches, and budgerigars
  • Fish: Including cichlids, goldfish, tetras, and barbs
  • Mammals: Such as ferrets, sugar gliders, rabbits, and guinea pigs
  • Reptiles: Such as pythons, lizards, geckos and bearded dragons

When it comes to keeping an exotic pet, it is important to make sure that you do your research and prepare a proper environment. A veterinarian specializes in exotic animals and can provide you with information on the proper care and maintenance of your pet.

Two patagonian cavies Pet Clinic, Animal Clinic, Hamster Cages, Big Cat ...
Image: www.pinterest.com

What Exotic Pets Are Legal In Australia


Australia has a wide range of exotic pets that are legal to own with the correct licenses. Before obtaining any exotic pet, it is important to clarify the laws and regulations in your area and fulfil all the necessary conditions for their well-being. By following these regulations, you can ensure that your exotic pet is well-cared for and does not pose any risks to the community.

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